Queensway Cathedral



I met Dan Tulloch over ten years ago when I had agreed to take on the lighting director, designer position here at Queensway Cathedral. I was new to lighting at the time; I had a passion for lighting, but very little experience. Dan - from the beginning - familiarized me with lighting techniques, helped me with my first lighting plot, offered suggestions and generally encouraged me to develop my own lighting skills through the years on productions. Dan was available to discuss ideas I had and assist me with the application of the lighting equipment to realize my vision.

Many shows later Dan I collaborate on ideas and work together on presentations and projects as they come up. Dan has supported me over the years when ever I have requested his help. He has put me in touch with other designers who have helped me with my new Grand MA console orientation as well. Sometimes Dan and I agree to disagree on lighting effects these days, but all in all it has been fun.

Mark Cowan, Lighting Designer and Director, Queensway Cathedral, Toronto ON

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